Northland Property Investors' Association


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July Meeting Speaker: Donna Youngman

Donna has been a residential property investor for 19 years.

She owns 10 residential rental properties which have had do-ups and has added 2 relocatable houses to existing properties.


Her last project in 2016 which she entered into the Resene Renovator of the year award for 2017 was one of the relocatables’ put on an existing property. The house cost $23,000 for a 2 Bedroom 1950’s weatherboard relocatable.


She filled a lot of cracks and holes, added fencing, decks, paint, and carpets for a Grand total of $100,000 including the house. It is rented for $380 per week. $$$


She has a very successful portfolio which is now her main income. She loves the work and the end result is the prize for all the hard work, sweat, and tears.


This business allows Donna to enjoy the good things in life that we all need to spend more time doing. Life’s too short!


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